Saturday, December 18, 2010

Review of Osborne's commentary on Matthew (ZECNT)

The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New testament is a new series of commentaries that is a welcome addition to both pastor and biblical scholar alike. (disclaimer: I have received this commentary series for gratis in order to review the commentary). One of my seminary professors commonly reminds us “Start with the text, and not the commentary”. Thankfully, the commentary allows one to do both at the same time. That is, what is unique about this commentary is that it provides close detail to the Greek text. Further, it comes beyond just a verse by verse,and provides an exegetical outline. It allows one to not lose sight of the forest amongst the trees if you will. Each section additionally adds information of the literary context, main idea, translation, structure and literary form, explanation, and application sections. Pastors preparing for sermons will perfectly find the “theology in application” helpful. Some of the sections seem somewhat divergent from the text. But as long as the pastor examines the text, this shouldn’t be much of an issue. This commentary series really combines the best of both worlds, by providing homiletic guidance with the application section, but grounding both sermon preparation as well as scholarly work with the exegetical, translation, structure, etc sections. Fine job indeed.